in Bretagne-d’Armagnac

Taxis Ambulances Daste

Located in the Gers, in Bretagne-d'Armagnac at a place called Laroue, the company AMBULANCES DASTE has been providing your transport by ambulance, taxi and VSL since 1979. We have 6 taxis, 4 VSL and 2 ambulances (4 people) , for journeys over all distances.

We provide medical transport for patients, who must go to their consultations or radiotherapy sessions, dialysis, physiotherapy, chemotherapy, hospital discharges and transfers, medical teleassistance, medical repatriation, etc. We also provide medical assistance during sporting events and prefectural guards.

Our team of 15 employees has extensive know-how and solid experience. We are here to listen to you and are able to meet your needs, to make your journey pleasant and satisfying.
We speak French


32800 Bretagne-d’Armagnac

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