
Ulm Club Armagnac de Maupas

Located in Maupas in the Gers, 2 km from Estang, 8 km from Cazaubon, Barbotan or Eauze, and a few minutes' flight from Nogaro or Aire sur l'Adour, the Club provides training in piloting multi-axis ULMs and offers its visitors first flights and aerial walks.
It allows its members to use the Club's aircraft as well as the parking and maintenance of their personal ULMs.
The ULM Armagnac Club is a non-profit association under the 1901 law, all members of which are volunteers, including the Instructor who is also the President.
Here, saving money is not the aim, and everything is done to limit costs and maintain a reasonable cost price and very competitive prices...
We speak French


La Grande Borde
32240 Maupas

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