Located within a private property, Madame Gruber offers you a parking area for motorhomes.
Shaded area – Picnic table – Water
Located 2 km from Lake Candau (fishing) - 5 km from the village of Castillon-Debats (children's playground) 7 km from Aignan with lake possibility of activities for children, 5 km from Dému, 6 km from Lupiac, birthplace of d'Artagnan where you can discover the d'Artagnan museum, 14 km from Vic (shops)
Electricity not provided – Dogs allowed but on a leash – Horses and donkeys.
Mrs. Gruber speaks French and German.
6 locations

10 € / 2 people for 24 hours
5€ / additional person
Free up to 12 years

Water package: €3 for 24 hours
We speak French


Locality Hauries
32190 Castillon-Debates

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