Historic site and monument
in Arblade-le-Haut

Village d'Arblade le Haut

Meeting of two parishes, Arblade ("wooded place") and Loissan (name of Roman origin) of which there are documents from the XNUMXth century.
The St Luperc church in Loissan, built on a Gallo-Roman site (discovery of tiles and a sarcophagus), has very rare folk art furniture: tomb altar, 300th century altarpiece. The Saint Peter of Arblade church has a Gothic apse. Two enigmatic figures, grimacing masks, undoubtedly very old, are represented on the portals of the two churches. The feudal castle of Arblade was located 65m from the church. There are still some vestiges remaining (remains of the drawbridge and ditches). Passage of the GR XNUMX
We speak French


32110 Arblade-le-Haut
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