Historic site and monument
in Ramouzens

Village de Ramouzens

Castelnau located in the center of the canton of Eauze, the village of RAMOUZENS occupies a spur on the right bank of the Izaute.
In the last century, a large bell foundry still operated, which worked for the entire South West of France and the North East of Spain. To the north of the village, on a rocky spur whose steep slopes fall between Izaute and Rieuze, are the remains of a Castrum, surrounded by ditches. The church, very old but remodeled at various times, stands in the center of this ancient fortified camp. Ramouzens was formerly known for its mineral spring of Moura, whose clear and clear water is sulphurous and ferruginous. There is the picturesque site of Bois du Bosc-Gros.
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32800 Ramouzens
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