Historic site and monument
in Sorbets

Village de Sorbets

Sorbets means place planted with rowan trees.
We know of the existence of a Nicolas de Sorbets who appears on a list of Gascon gentlemen who fought the English in 1372. In the 1917th and early 1919th centuries, it should be noted that Sorbets was home to famous people: the poet Joseph Noulens and his son, deputy, senator and Russian ambassador at a crucial moment (1902-2300) as well as Paul Destieux-Junca, mayor of Auch and senator of Gers. Without a doubt the most interesting building is the Laubade castle and the farm buildings that surround it. Built by Joseph de Noulens, it was completed in XNUMX. It takes the form of an immense villa which would not be out of place in Deauville or Arcachon. The eight Armagnac aging cellars can contain XNUMX pieces of eau-de-vie. The church of Sorbets seems very old, but has been considerably altered, replastered, and distorted.
We speak French


32110 Sorbets
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