Le 14 July 2024


A Landes race like no other!

NOGARO, capital of Landes racing, where this traditional sport is the pride of the Gascons. Every year the high point of the temporada is the Golden Horn on July 14 : this unique, colorful show remains a special moment between the spreaders and the public who are in perfect union. This Landes race allows the public to elect the best cow which becomes the Golden Horn of the year.

The coronation of the cows

Sleek, beasts of respect, combining speed and mastery, arousing fear, emotion and passion, they will compete for the crown. Nominated by the public, only one will be Queen for a year: the Golden Horn 👑

It's your turn…

At the end of the show, it's up to you, the novice or amateur audience, the cards are in your hands. A ballot on your entry ticket allows you to vote for the cow that gave you the most sensations during the show.

Here is the program 👇

  • 9:30 a.m.: Gascon snack around the Arena
  • 11 a.m.: Landes Racing Demonstration with the FFCL Bullfighting School, free entry
  • 13:00 p.m.: Coursayre meal with music
  • 17:30 p.m.: Golden Horn
  • 20:00 p.m. Tapas evening

we don't forget the children 👦

Children also have the right to their own time during this day: inflatable games, activities, Landes course initiation, etc.

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